Topic Alias - MQTT 5.0 new features
Feb 10, 2022Jim Moen
Topic Alias - MQTT 5.0 new features

MQTT Topic Alias allows users to reduce the possibly long and repeatedly used topic name to a 2-byte integer, so as to reduce the bandwidth consumption when publishing messages.

Testing MQTT 5 features with the MQTTX
Jan 4, 2022Shifan Yu
Testing MQTT 5 features with the MQTTX

We will introduce in detail the specific use of the new features of MQTT X v1.7.0, especially how to use MQTT X to test features of MQTT 5.0.

User Properties - MQTT 5.0 new features
Nov 25, 2021Shifan Yu
User Properties - MQTT 5.0 new features

User Properties are the user-defined properties that allow users to add their metadata to MQTT messages to expand more application scenarios.

Enhanced authentication - MQTT 5.0 new features
Sep 21, 2020Rory Zhang
Enhanced authentication - MQTT 5.0 new features

MQTT 5.0 adds a new feature enhanced authentication, which includes query/response style authentication can implement bi-directional authentication of the client and broker.

Flow control - MQTT 5.0 new features
Aug 11, 2020Zibo Zhou
Flow control - MQTT 5.0 new features

MQTT 5.0 brings many new features, this article will give an introduction to the use of the new feature "flow control" in an easy-to-understand way.

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