In February, the Neuron team devoted its efforts to developing new drivers. We added southbound drivers, including IEC61850 driver, Allen-Bradley DF1, and Profinet driver.
In February, the Neuron team devoted its efforts to developing new drivers. We added southbound drivers, including IEC61850 driver, Allen-Bradley DF1, and Profinet driver.
We are now working on v2.3, including adding an EtherNet/IP driver, improving the CNC FOOCAS driver, supporting remote OPC DA, and switching to NanoSDK to enhance the performance of data transmission.
Neuron v2.2: Beckhoff ADS, OPC DA, and NONA11 drivers have been added to unify the ports exposed by HTTP services.
In May, we released Neuron 2.0.1, adding the southbound BACnet/IP and KNXnet/IP drivers and northbound Sparkplug application, and customizing the extended Modbus TCP protocol.
In January, we are mainly focusing on Neuron2.0-alpha.2 which was released at the end of the month.
In November, the Neuron team still focused on the development of v2.0, improved some features and unit tests, added overall functional tests, and fixed the bugs found in the tests.
This month, we mainly focus on the development of neuron 2.0, and we hope to complete and release Neuron 2.0-alpha as quickly as possible.
Industrial IoT gateway software for edge - Neuron v1.3.2 was officially released. The new version enables a new logo and interface, optimizes the code structure, and fixes errors.
In the newly released Neuron v1.3.0, protocol support for the electric power industry such as DL/T645-07, IEC 60870-5 104, and IEC 61850 MMS has been added.
We will build a simple IIoT application based on Modbus through EMQX Neuron and EMQX Broker, and use MQTT X to subscribe/display data.