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MQTT 5.0 Packet Explained 05: DISCONNECT
Sep 19, 2023EMQX Team
MQTT 5.0 Packet Explained 05: DISCONNECT

In MQTT, both the client and the server can send a DISCONNECT packet to the other party before disconnecting the network connection, indicating the reason for the connection closure.

MQTT 5.0 Packet Explained 04: PINGREQ & PINGRESP
Sep 19, 2023EMQX Team
MQTT 5.0 Packet Explained 04: PINGREQ & PINGRESP

MQTT has a type of packet used to simulate heartbeats between the client and server to maintain the connection. They are PINGREQ and PINGRESP packets, which we often call heartbeat packets.

MQTT 5.0 Packet Explained 03: SUBSCRIBE & UNSUBSCRIBE
Sep 15, 2023EMQX Team
MQTT 5.0 Packet Explained 03: SUBSCRIBE & UNSUBSCRIBE

In MQTT, the SUBSCRIBE packet is used to initiate a subscription request, while the SUBACK packet is used to return the subscription result. The UNSUBSCRIBE and UNSUBACK packets are used when unsubscribing.

MQTT vs AMQP for IoT Communications: Head to Head
Jul 28, 2023EMQX Team
MQTT vs AMQP for IoT Communications: Head to Head

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport), is a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging protocol. AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol), is a protocol for distributed systems that supports a range of messaging patterns

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