EMQX Open Source Project Demo

Sep 9, 2021


In this session, we will demo:

QUIC https://github.com/emqx/quic

Based on MsQuic, this is a Erlang NIF to bring QUIC protocol to beam. We'll demo how we use it to implemented MQTT on top of QUIC. And how Erlang/Elixir developers can make use of it.

Mria https://github.com/emqx/mria

The old RLog project got its new name, this Erlang library is created for the beam community to scale their Mnesia cluster.

HOCON https://github.com/emqx/hocon

For EMQX 5.0, we will start using HOCON for configuration. We have recently added a schema check on top of it, bringing type-safe configuration to the beam.


Sep 9, 2021 09:00 AM Stockholm/ 15:00 PM Beijing