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EMQ Sponsors Code BEAM Europe 2024

Oct 14, 2024

EMQ Sponsors Code BEAM Europe 2024

We are thrilled to announce our sponsorship of Code BEAM Europe 2024, the premier conference for Erlang and Elixir developers. EMQ’s commitment to building resilient IoT and edge computing solutions perfectly aligns with the event’s focus on the BEAM technology, renowned for its ability to create fault-tolerant, scalable applications. Code BEAM brings together developers from various industries, including Fintech, eCommerce, IoT, and more, to share knowledge and inspire innovation. Join us in Berlin to connect with leading minds and explore the future of high-performance, scalable applications. Be sure to visit our booth and learn how EMQ’s IoT expertise can help you achieve your goals. Details will be provided in due course.

Oct 14, 2024
Berlin, Germany & Online