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Open MQTT Benchmarking Comparison: EMQX vs Mosquitto

May Jin
Apr 23, 2023
Open MQTT Benchmarking Comparison: EMQX vs Mosquitto

The blog post Open MQTT Benchmark Suite: The Ultimate Guide to MQTT Performance Testing introduced the Open MQTT Benchmark Suite developed by EMQ. We defined MQTT benchmark scenarios, use cases, and observation metrics in the GitHub project. Based on the activity and popularity of the community and GitHub project, the top 4 open-source MQTT brokers in 2023 – EMQX, Mosquitto, NanoMQ, and Vernemq, were chosen to perform the benchmark test.

This blog series presents the benchmark test results and aims to help you choose a suitable MQTT broker based on your needs and use cases.

This blog post will provide the benchmarking results of EMQX and Mosquitto. Additionally, we compare the features and capabilities of both brokers in detail in another post: Mosquitto vs EMQX | 2023 MQTT Broker Comparison.

MQTT Benchmark Scenarios and Use Cases

The MQTT Benchmark Suite designs two sets of benchmark use cases. One is named Basic Set, which is for small-scale performance verification, and another is called Enterprise Set, which aims for enterprise level verification.

Detailed descriptions of the testing scenarios are already available on the GitHub project, for convenience we briefly list them here as well.

All the tests are executed on a single node.

Use Cases

Basic Set

  • Point-to-Point: p2p-1K-1K-1K-1K
    • 1k publishers, 1k subscribers, 1k topics
    • Each publisher pubs 1 message per second
    • QoS 1, payload 16B
  • Fan-out: fanout-1-1k-1-1K
    • 1 publisher, 1 topic, 1000 subscribers
    • 1 publisher pubs 1 message per second
    • QoS 1, payload 16B
  • Fan-in: sharedsub-1K-5-1K-1K
    • 1k publishers, 1k pub topics
    • 5 subscribers consume all messages in a shared subscription way
    • Publish rate: 1k/s (each publisher pubs a message per second)
    • Shared subscription’s topic: $share/perf/test/#
    • Publish topics: test/$clientid
    • QoS 1, payload 16B
  • Concurrent connections: conn-tcp-10k-100
    • 10k connections
    • Connection rate (cps): 100/s

Enterprise Set

  • Point-to-Point: p2p-50K-50K-50K-50K
    • 50k publishers, 50k subscribers, 50k topics
    • Each publisher pubs 1 message per second
    • QoS 1, payload 16B
  • Fan-out: fanout-5-1000-5-250K
    • 5 publishers, 5 topics, 1000 subscribers (each sub to all topics)
    • Publish rate: 250/s, so sub rate = 250*1000 = 250k/s
    • QoS 1, payload 16B
  • Fan-in: sharedsub-50K-500-50K-50K
    • 50k publishers, 50k pub topics
    • Publish rate: 50k/s (each publisher pubs a message per second)
    • Use a shared subscription to consume data (to avoid slow consumption by subscribers affecting broker performance, 500 subscribers are used to share the subscription)
    • Shared subscription’s topic: $share/perf/test/#
    • Publish topics: test/$clientid
    • QoS 1, payload 16B
  • Concurrent connections: conn-tcp-1M-5K
    • 1M connections
    • Connection rate (cps): 5000/s

Common MQTT Config

Config Value
keep alive 300s
clean session true
authentication enablement no
TLS authentication enablement no
test duration 30 minutes


The test environment is configured on AWS, and all virtual machines are within a VPC (virtual private cloud) subnet.

Broker Machine Details

  • Public cloud: AWS
  • Instance type: c5.4xlarge 16C32G
  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 amd64

Test Tool

XMeter is used in this benchmark test to simulate various business scenarios. XMeter is built on top of JMeter but with enhanced scalability and more capabilities. It provides comprehensive and real-time test reports during the test. Additionally, its built-in monitoring tools are used to track the resource usage of the EMQX/Mosquitto server, enabling a comparison with the information provided by the operating systems.

XMeter provides a private deployment version (on-premise) and a public cloud SaaS version. A private XMeter is deployed in the same VPC as the MQTT broker server in this testing.

SW Version

Broker Version
EMQX 4.4.16
Mosquitto (with persistence disabled) 2.0.15
XMeter 3.2.4

Benchmarking Results

Basic Set

point-to-point: 1K:1K

Average pub-to-sub latency (ms) Max CPU user+system Avg CPU user+system Max memory used Avg memory used
EMQX 0.27 4% 2% 510M 495M
Mosquitto 0.25 0% 0% 278M 254M

Fan-out 1k QoS 1

Average pub-to-sub latency (ms) Max CPU user+system Avg CPU user+system Max memory used Avg memory used
EMQX 3 2% 1% 475M 460M
Mosquitto 5.73 0% 0% 270M 260M

Fan-in 1k - shared subscription QoS 1

Average pub-to-sub latency (ms) Max CPU user+system Avg CPU user+system Max memory used Avg memory used
EMQX 0.19 3% 2% 468M 460M
Mosquitto 0.20 0% 0% 281M 246M

10K connections cps 100

Average latency (ms) Max CPU user+system Avg CPU user+system Max memory used Memory used Stable at
EMQX 0.74 2% 1% 540M 510M
Mosquitto 0.6 0% 0% 306M 264M

Enterprise Set

point-to-point: p2p-50K-50K-50K-50K


Actual msg rate Average pub-to-sub latency (ms) Max CPU user+system Avg CPU user+system Max memory used Avg memory used
EMQX 50k:50k 1.58 88% 80% 5.71G 5.02G
Mosquitto 37k:37k 353.82 6% 6% 341M 318M

In this scenario, Mosquitto cannot reach to the target message rate. It stabilized at 37300/s for both pub and sub.

EMQX keeps the stable pub & sub rate at 50000/s during the 30-minutes' test.

pub-to-sub latency percentiles

pub-to-sub latency percentiles

Latency (ms) EMQX Mosquitto
p50 1 361
p75 1 367
p90 2 372
p95 4 378
p99 18 417

Result Charts

  • EMQX

    EMQX Result Charts

  • Mosquitto

    Mosquitto Result Charts

Fan-out: fanout-5-1000-5-250K


Actual msg rate Average pub-to-sub latency (ms) Max CPU user+system Avg CPU user+system Max memory used Avg memory used
EMQX 250k 1.99 73% 71% 530M 483M
Mosquitto 82k 12,240.83 7% 6% 355M 341M

In this scenario, Mosquitto cannot reach to the target message rate. The throughput has been fluctuating around 80,000/s.

EMQX keeps the stable rate at 250,000+/s throughout the test.

pub-to-sub latency percentiles

pub-to-sub latency percentiles

Latency (ms) EMQX Mosquitto
p50 2 12,378
p75 2 12,522
p90 3 12,571
p95 3 12,596
p99 4 12,627

Result Charts

  • EMQX

    EMQX Result Charts

  • Mosquitto

    Mosquitto Result Charts

Fan-in: sharedsub-50K-500-50K-50K


Actual msg rate Average pub-to-sub latency (ms) Max CPU user+system Avg CPU user+system Max memory used Avg memory used
EMQX pub: 50k
sub: 50k
1.47 94% 93% 8.19G 6.67G
Mosquitto pub: 50k
sub: 40k
12,723.07 7% 7% 485M 456M

In this scenario, the consumption rate of Mosquitto cannot reach to the target rate. It stabilized at 41,000/s.

EMQX keeps the stable pub & sub rate at 50,000/s throughout the test.

pub-to-sub latency percentiles

pub-to-sub latency percentiles

Latency (ms) EMQX Mosquitto
p50 1 13,138
p75 1 13,281
p90 2 13,423
p95 2 13,526
p99 19 13,736

Result Charts

  • EMQX

    EMQX Result Charts

  • Mosquitto

    Mosquitto Result Charts

Concurrent connections: conn-tcp-1M-5K


Average latency (ms) Max CPU user+system Avg CPU user+system Max memory used Memory used Stable at
EMQX 2.4 35% 22% 10.77G 8.68G
Mosquitto 5.74 2% 2% 1G 1G

Latency percentiles

Latency percentiles

Latency (ms) ENQX Mosquitto
p50 2 2
p75 2 2
p90 2 2
p95 2 2
p99 3 9

Result Charts

  • EMQX

    EMQX Result Charts

  • Mosquitto

    Mosquitto Result Charts


According to the performance benchmarking comparison between EMQX and Mosquitto, EMQX demonstrated superior performance across all scenarios of the enterprise set, with higher throughput and faster response times. In the point-to-point scenario, EMQX achieved a message routing rate of up to 100,000 per second, while Mosquitto was limited to around 40,000. In the fan-out scenario, EMQX demonstrated the ability to handle fan-out throughput up to 500,000 per second, while Mosquitto's maximum was only 80,000.

However, it is worth noting that Mosquitto was observed to perform well and had lower CPU and memory usage when there were smaller loads.

To conclude, the choice between EMQX and Mosquitto depends on the specific use case and requirements. For resource-constrained environments such as embedded hardware and IoT edge deployments, Mosquitto may be a better option. On the other hand, for applications that require high scalability and availability, EMQX is recommended as a cloud-based MQTT messaging service.

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